166: These women routinely save the day.

No Single Individual is a unique business model. It is a company of woment strategists who work for legacy shops like Deutsch NY, FCB NY and TBWA\Chiat Day LA.

Founded by Christine Olivas in 2021, No Single Individual is an “all-freelance firm [that] provides ancillary strategy and account teams to agencies across the globe, from the industry’s biggest names to hyper-local creative shops,” according to its LinkedIn profile. In other words, when agencies struggle with impossible assignments, Christine and her colleagues swoop in as last-minute heroes.

Henry Gomez and I also met Cynthia Abad-Mancheno, one of Christine’s colleagues. And we had an in-depth conversation about how they started, the nature of their work, and their thoughts on strategy and the industry.

For small group and corporate training in writing inspiring creative briefs, contact Howard Ibach at creativebriefworkshops.com for availability.


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