He’s the first to appear on The Brief Bros. three times. And we’re delighted and privileged to have him back. Cameron Day joins Henry Gomez and me today to talk about his new book, Stones & Sticks. It’s the third book in his trilogy The Advertising Survival Guide: Stage Three: The Highest Altitudes of Your Career. Listen to a professional describe what it takes to join the highest ranks in our industry.
Cam joined us twice before, each time to discuss the first two books: Chew With Your Mind Open (Episode 52) and Spittin’ Chiclets (Episode 96).
Our friend George Tannenbaum summarized the importance of these guide books best when he wrote, “Ever wonder who mentors the mentors?”
Reminder: For small group and corporate training in writing inspiring creative briefs, contact Howard Ibach at creativebriefworkshops.com for availability.