What not to expect from a creative brief.
My video podcast co-host, Henry Gomez, often says on our show, The Brief Bros., that an inspiring creative brief doesn’t guarantee inspiring creative. But it vastly improves the odds. His comment inspired me to ruminate on what great creative briefs should not be expected to do. I file this under “intellectual honesty,” which everyone, regardless […]
Creatives love to complain about bad briefs. If they tried writing one they’d find out how hard it is.
All creatives should learn how to write a brief. It’s humbling, and will make them better readers of briefs.
What no one says about the creative brief.
The creative brief is old school. The creative brief is dead. The creative brief inhibits creativity. The creative brief does not guarantee good creative. (This one is true.) All of these statements have popped up in the trades, on social media, in conversations, at conferences and award shows. They have been heard before. But what […]
Who writes the best creative briefs?
If you want the best work possible from you creative partners, learn to speak their language. That language is on display in a well-written creative brief. Produce a creative brief even half as well done as the best creative briefs that agencies write, and I promise you’ll inspire your creative partners to respond in kind.