177: AI for Advertising, taught by Ross Patrick.

Say “AI” to anyone in our industry, and it will likely cause a wince, a pucker, even a laugh. And probably a few other reactions. Say it to our guest, Ross Patrick, Creative Lead and Director of Advertising at Academy of Art University in San Francisco, and you’ll be in for a passionate discourse on […]

176: The creativity beat with AdAge’s Tim Nudd

Henry Gomez and I welcome Tim Nudd, a journalist who covers creativity for AdAge. Tim was the host and narrator of a popular podcast called Tagline, sponsored by Muse by Clio. It was a feast of backstories and wonderful anecdotes about some of the most iconic ad campaigns produced by our industry. Henry and I […]

175: Jon Steel, author of Truth, Lies & Advertising.

Jon Steel‘s book, Truth, Lies & Advertising is the bible for strategy, creative briefs and what makes great creative campaigns. Now in its 26th year, it remains fresh and relevant, even if the advertising referenced in it are from the 20th Century. His thinking proves that new and shiny pales against fundamentals and fundamental truths. […]

174: Two ad students on the rigors of London’s SCA.

One of them did a trumpet solo and she doesn’t play trumpet. The other did six minutes of stand-up comedy and she isn’t a comedian. No, they weren’t auditioning for Britain’s Got Talent. In a return to our New and Emerging Talent series, Henry Gomez and I talk to two current ad students at London’s […]

173: Ghost wants to make clients famous, not themselves.

In a first for Henry Gomez and me, The Brief Bros. hosts three…ghosts. You’ll hear them, but you won’t see them. That’s because they prefer to let their creative work speak for itself on behalf of their clients. And that’s their story. Which we are transparently delighted to share with you. For small group and […]

172: Young ad pros get to predict Cannes winners

Henry Gomez and I bring you two young advertising talents who started The Loudest Roar last year, which they call the “Cannes Lion Fantasy League.” It’s an online communmity for young professionals to predict the winners at Cannes, and it’s growing in popularity worldwide. We’re delighted to welcome Chirag Khushalani and Samita Balakrishnan, two strategists […]

171: Freelance copywriter Ashley Rutstein carved a niche on TikTok.

Meet the host of Stuff About Advertising Ashley Rutstein. She’s a freelance copywriter, social media verteran, and the star of her own TikTok page where she talks about, well, Stuff About Advertising. And Henry Gomez and I had a fun and enlightening conversation with her. So many brands want to be on TikTok, but did […]

169: The Howard Gossage Show with Steve Harrison and Dave Dye

Two advertising industry giants join us today to talk about their new book, The Howard Gossage Show. Both Steve Harrison and Dave Dye have talked to us before. But today they arrive together as co-authors of a book as big as its subject matter. And a necessary teaching tool for all of us in the […]

168: Meet your new favorite intern

You need chutzpah to land an internship in our industry. Spell it any way you like, you gotta get the decision-maker’s attention. Which is why Henry Gomez and I are so delighted to introduce you to Kristina Olsen Pinjusic, a.k.a. “The Kristina,” your new favorite intern. She displayed enviable intrepidity and gutsiness and used LinkedIn […]

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